section width should be force 100% from left and right to window into container.
<div class="container"><article class="text"> <h4 id="contact">Contact Us</h4> Customers worldwide trust us with their employees’ security training. We are confident we can take some load off you. Please use the form below to drop us a message and one of our experts will be with you soon. </article></div>
–JS Code
var contW = $('.contact').width(); var contWA = $('.contact .text').width(); var final = contW - contWA $('.contact .text').css('margin-left', -final/2).css('margin-right', -final/2).css('padding-right', final/2).css('padding-left', final/2)
<div class="container"> <article class="text" style="margin-left: -466.5px; margin-right: -466.5px; padding-right: 466.5px; padding-left: 466.5px;"> <h4 id="contact">Contact Us</h4> <p>Customers worldwide trust us with their employees’ security training. We are confident we can take some load off you.</p> <p>Please use the form below to drop us a message and one of our experts will be with you soon.</p> </article> </div>