Something Like that:
Function Constructors, 'new', and the History
What is Function Constructors in javascript
A Normal function that is used to construct objects.
(The ‘this’ variable points a new empty object, and that object is returned from the function automatically.)
function Person(){ document.write(this + '<br>'); this.firstname = 'John'; this.lastname = 'Doe'; document.write('This function is invoked.' + '<br>'); } var john = new Person(); document.write(john + '<br>'); var jane = new Person(); document.write(jane + '<br>');
[codepen_embed height=”265″ theme_id=”0″ slug_hash=”VzXOPy” default_tab=”result” user=”pradeepanvi”]See the Pen Function Constructors in javascript by Pradeep Kumar (@pradeepanvi) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]
Now you can see
[object Object]
This function is invoked.
[object Object]
[object Object]
This function is invoked.
[object Object]